Hot fined NIS 100,000 for long call center waits
Hot fined NIS 100,000 for long call center waits

The Cable Broadcasting Authority fined Hot for extremely long

waits at its centers, after rejecting the company’s explanations.

 The Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Authority has fined Hot Telecommunication Systems Ltd. (TASE: HOT.B1) NIS 100,800 for extremely long waits at its call centers during the year, as part of the Authority’s efforts to enforce consumer protection rulesIn response to numerous complaints from consumers and on the basis of data in its possession on the extremely long waits at Hot’s call centers, the Broadcasting Authority opened a thorough investigation. The Authority rejected Hot’s responses, and ruled that the company had violated the provisions of its license regarding waiting times at its call centers.

Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Authority acting chairman Nati Schubert decided to fine Hot for the violations and ordered it to immediately improve the waiting times at its service centers. The company was notified that oversight and enforcement over its calls centers’ service would continue, and additional, and higher, fines might be levied.


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