Golan Telecom reaches 350,000 subscribers
Golan Telecom reaches 350,000 subscribers

The carrier’s target is 375,000 subscribers at year-end, to meet

the threshold conditions for reimbursement of part of the


Golan Telecom Ltd. has reached a milestone: it hit 350,000 subscribers today.

Several months ago, the carrier placed on its website a meter showing how many subscribers it has minute-by-minute, and at mid-afternoon, it showed 350,006 subscribers. The carrier’s target is 375,000 subscribers at year-end, to meet the Ministry of Communications’ threshold conditions for reimbursement of part of the guarantee it deposited in the mobile carrier tender.

Golan Telecom will apparently receive back most of its guarantee, because at its current recruitment rate, it will reach the target in the remaining two months of the year. In addition to the number of subscribers, the carrier will present the number of call-minutes and revenue as part of the Ministry of Communications’ formula, which weights these three variables.

Golan Telecom’s revenue may not be high enough to meet the tender’s terms, but the number of call-minutes and subscribers should make up for this.

Golan Telecom says that it put the meter on its website to improve its transparency to customers and to prominently show the number of subscribers who have joined what it calls “the revolution that the company is waging in the Israeli mobile market.”


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