Mobile carriers: Golan Telecom faking subscriber numbers
Mobile carriers: Golan Telecom faking subscriber numbers

On Tuesday, “Globes” reported that Golan Telecom reached

350,000 subscribers, close to its year-end target of 375,000


 Golan Telecom Ltd.’s subscriber meter is annoying its rivals. Several mobile carries claim that the meter is forged, and does not directly agree with their own mobility figures. They also claim that it is not possible to know whether the meter also counts the churn rate or only new subscribers.

On Tuesday, “Globes” reported that Golan Telecom reached 350,000 subscribers, close to its year-end target of 375,000 subscribers.

Some carriers told “Globes” that monitoring Golan Telecom’s meter numbers a few days ago showed a far lower number than 350,000 subscribers, and it was not possible that it gains so many new subscribers within a few days. They even claim that when they photographed the meter on October 24, it showed 337,560 subscribers.

Golan Telecom dismisses the claims out of hand. It said that the meter shows both the number of new subscribers and the churn, and that it is possible to verify the credibility of the numbers by checking against Cellcom Israel Ltd.(NYSE:CEL; TASE:CEL), which hosts Golan Telecom.

Golan Telecom added that, in October, it gained a large number of new subscribers who had not migrated from other carriers, which may be the source of the discrepancy.


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