Partner launches 4G apps accelerato
Partner launches 4G apps accelerato


The Orange 4G Innovation Lab focuses on media and

entertainment, connected cars, telemedicine, andInternet

of things.

Partner Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq: PTNR; TASE: PTNR) is launching a technology accelerator for 4G apps and services, the Orange 4G Innovation Lab. The mobile carrier will make available to developers its laboratories, after a filtering process, where they can develop products before market launch. Partner may invest in the start-ups at the accelerator. Entrepreneurs can submit proposals for media and entertainment, the connected car, telemedicine, and Internet of things.

Partner said that a panel of judges, chaired by COO Menachem Tirosh, will select six projects. The projects will stay at the Innovation Lab for 12 weeks. In addition, three start-ups will receive grants of NIS 100,000, NIS 70,000, and NIS 50,000.

“Orange is the first Israeli mobile carrier planning 4G. This is a great opportunity to strengthen the Israeli start-up industry and local talent by creating the change to initiate and develop ideas in an innovative technology environment, as in other parts of the world. 4G apps are seen around the world, and we believe that it is very important to allow the Israeli entrepreneurship industry to experience a living environment to become leaders in the global arena,” said Partner CEO Haim Romano.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 12, 2014


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