Mobile cos to end inflated overseas browsing charges
Mobile cos to end inflated overseas browsing charges

Carriers will block Internet access overseas for all

customers, unless previously agreed.


Minister of Communications Gilad Erdan has formally ordered an amendment to mobile carriers’ licenses regarding roaming fees abroad. This will prevent the excessive fees charged to consumers for mobile web browsing while abroad, without the express consent of the customer. Erdan’s decision follows the hearing held for the mobile carriers.

The Ministry of Communications’ announcement today is a formality. It expresses Erdan’s decision to amend the carriers’ licenses, and to fight the phenomenon in which customers use mobile web services while abroad, without realizing that it entails inflated fees.

Mobile carriers will now block access to the Internet for all customers, free of charge, immediately upon arrival abroad, unless the subscriber has an agreement with the company that includes Internet use overseas, or the customer has specifically requested access to Internet services when abroad.

Where customers have asked for unlocked Internet services when abroad, and do not have an agreement with the mobile carrier that includes surfing, the mobile carrier will be required to send a message with information about how to block Internet services by changing the phone’s settings, or by phoning the company’s service department (free of charge).

In addition, to increase transparency for consumers, the mobile carriers will now be required to send customers who have signed up for international roaming services messages when they reach 75%, 90% and 100% of their pre-paid plan.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on March 31, 2014


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