Cellcom CEO: We will have Israel’s best 4G network
Cellcom CEO: We will have Israel’s best 4G network

Nir Sztern singled out 4G, landlines and TV as the

company’s future growth areas.


Cellcom Israel Ltd. (NYSE:CEL; TASE:CEL) CEO Nir Sztern pledges to “meet head on” the upcoming challenges in the communications market, to take advantage of the “breakthrough” in the landline industry, and to launch the most advanced 4G (LTE) network in Israel.

“Speed is going to be the name of the game, and we understand and play this game, and when we play, we like to win,” Sztern said today at the “Future Talk” conference. “As for LTE, Cellcom will soon have such a network, and it will be the best – the best 4G network in Israel.”

Sztern also spoke about the shake-up that the communications market has undergone over the past two years, following the opening of the market to competition, and increased public awareness: “Today’s consumer is wiser, more determined, and unwilling to compromise. There are changes in the competitive environment as well – against over-the-top services – WhatsApp, and others. This is a world of multiple screens, and world of content that has changed from end-to-end.

After two years of nonstop competition and major changes that we have undergone both in and out of the company, I can say that Cellcom is strong, steady, determined, fast, and much more ready to meet the upcoming challenges head-on.”

Regarding the wholesale market, Sztern said: “They are talking about a wholesale market for landline communications. We are nearing a breakthrough. At the end of the day, the landline communications market is about to enter into competition that will also provide more value to users.” He said that Cellcom will also enter the television market, and added: “In the Israeli television market, we see a market that has more interesting technologies that can be offered, higher-quality infrastructure connections, and lower prices. We are certain that the Israeli consumer wants this, and deserves more.”

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on April 2, 2014


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