Bezeq VP: 1 million Israelis will have fiber optics in 2014
Bezeq VP: 1 million Israelis will have fiber optics in 2014

Ran Guron told the “Globes” Media Advertizing Digital

Conference that the need for bandwidth is infinite.


“Broadband growth will continue forever,” said Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Co. Ltd. (TASE: BEZQ) VP Marketing Ran Guron at the “Globes” MAD (Media Advertising Digital) conference in Tel Aviv today

Guron said, “What sets us apart is that the need for our product is infinite – in other markets, it is limited. For example, how many pairs of shoes does a person really need? In the case of bandwidth, there is a need. Demand is growing. The uniqueness is that soon the market will switch to fiber optics. The world is racing to find solutions for the hunger that exists for bandwidth. Everyone is talking about it now, and it creates investments. Ultimately, we want to bring fiber optics to every house in Israel. This is isn’t something that forces people to purchase our services – we won’t have to put our foot in doors.”

Guron spoke about the fiber-optics project called Bfiber: “At the end of the year, we will reach a million households. This means that if you open the closet in your building’s stairwell, there will be a roll of fiber optic cable. This will be the biggest fiber-optics project in Israel. Denmark, for example, reached 40% coverage in its main cities. We have begun deployment in more than 60 towns.”

Speaking about the future of fiber optics Guron said: “Service over the Bfiber network will provide guaranteed bandwidth, with no dependence on neighbors. You will be able to receive the service easily; joining will be simple. Bezeq is deploying the Bfiber network up to the customer’s home with the aim of enabling Internet services at especially high speeds. Already today, the process of deploying fiber optics throughout the country is underway, and the network already covers hundreds of thousands of homes form Kiryat Shmona to Eilat. At the end of the year, the new network will cover nearly a million homes and businesses, representing 40% of the total population of Israel. This deployment rate is considered very fast, and has comprehensive coverage, even when compared with other advanced countries. The network is being deployed throughout the country concurrently – in central Israel, and in the periphery.”


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