Three VPs to leave in Partner restructuring
Three VPs to leave in Partner restructuring

globes 14-10-2012

Three VPs to leave in Partner restructuring

The mobile telephony company is consolidating divisions in the face of a challengingly competitive market.

14 October 12 16:54, Yossi Nissan and Gad Perez
Partner Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq: PTNR; TASE: PTNR) has announced a restructuring of the company as a way of contending with the challengingly competitive mobile telephony market in Israel. Three senior vice presidents will leave the company. According to Partner, “The moves are part of the company’s commitment to strengthening its focus on the customer, on quality of service, on efficiency, and on innovation in service and operations.”Partner is consolidating its private customer and business customer divisions, as a continuation of integration processes already carried out between the two divisions. Current business customer division head Avi Cohen will head the consolidated division.

The operations division will be abolished, and its units will report to Chief Operating Officer Menahem Tirosh, who is also responsible for the IT and technology divisions.

The activity of the human resources division will be expanded to include administration, including construction and vehicles, which will be transferred from the operations division. The human resources and administration division will be headed by Einat Rom, who for the past two years has headed the private customers division.

The changes will come into force over the next quarter,with periods of overlap and an orderly changeover.

Vice president for operations Shachar Landau will leave Partner. According to the company, he asked to leave after three years in the post.

Vice president for human resources Guillermo Codner will leave his post after completing the tasks for which he joined the company: adapting its workforce to the new business reality, merging the human resources departments of 012 Smile and Partner, and implementing advanced human resources management infrastructures in the unified department.

Yacov Kedmi, head of the marketing, content and growth engines division, will also leave the company. Partner says that this is at his request, after he returned to the company for a pre-defined period of three years ending in February 2013.

Partner CEO Haim Romano said, “I wish to thank Shachar Landau and Guillermo Codner for their admirable and fruitful efforts. This is not the time for parting from Yacov Kedmi, but at this opportunity I’d like to express my considerable gratitude for his creative and innovative contribution and his ramified activity.”

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on October 14, 2012

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