HOT Mobile offers two months free
HOT Mobile offers two months free

Globes 22-10-2012

HOT Mobile offers two months free

HOT Mobile says that it has 350,000 subscribers.

22 October 12 19:16, Gad Perez


In an attempt to boost the number of subscribers, HOT Mobile launched a new campaign in which it offer people who switch from other carriers to begin paying only in January 2013. In effect, the carrier is offering two months of service for free.

HOT Mobile’s new campaign follows a campaign by Golan Telecom Ltd., which is offering four free months of service for up to five family members who join it using the same credit card.

HOT Mobile says that it has 350,000 subscribers.

There has been a slowing in the pace of new subscribers to the new carriers, HOT Mobile and Golan Telecom in recent weeks as the veteran carriers have succeeded in stemming their churn rates, and bringing back many subscribers.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on October 22, 2012

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