Partner fires 100 employees
Partner fires 100 employees

globes 28-10-2012

Partner fires 100 employees

Partner has cut its workforce by over 2,000 employees in the past year as part of its cost-cutting efforts.

28 October 12 13:55, Yossi Nissan

Sources inform ”Globes” that Orange franchisee Partner Communications Ltd. (Nasdaq: PTNR; TASE: PTNR) is about to fire 100 employees, mostly from headquarters and call centers. The current round of layoffs is part of the carrier’s effort to slash costs to cope with the increased competition in the mobile market.

Partner today sent out notices for hearings to employees set to be fired. The company has also stopped hiring, and is not manning vacant positions.

Partner said in response, “As stated before and as part of a continuous process, the company’s workforce is being adjusted to its needs and changing reality.”

Partner has cut its workforce by over 2,000 employees in the past year as part of its cost-cutting efforts.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on October 28, 2012


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