MVNO Youphone offers NIS 49 monthly plan
MVNO Youphone offers NIS 49 monthly plan

globes 7-11-2012

MVNO Youphone offers NIS 49 monthly plan

The plan offers 200 call minutes, 200 SMS messages, and half a gigabyte of Internet access a month.

7 November 12 15:54, Michal Raz-Chaimovich

Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) Youphonetoday launched a NIS 49 plan for light users, after debuting with a NIS 79 monthly unlimited calls plan last month. The plan offers 200 call minutes, 200 SMS messages, and half a gigabyte of Internet access a month. Excess use will cost NIS 0.18 per minute for calls, NIS 0.15 per SMS, and NIS 0.15 per minute of Internet access. These rates are also very low, further improving the plan.

Youphone is offering a second plan for light users: NIS 18 fixed monthly fee, plus NIS 0.18 per call minute and NIS 0.15 per SMS. For an additional NIS 30 a month, there is 1 gigabyte of Internet access and for an additional NIS 55 a month, there is 5 gigabytes of Internet access.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on November 7, 2012



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