102,000 mobile subscribers switch to Golan Telecom
102,000 mobile subscribers switch to Golan Telecom

globes 20-11-2012

102,000 mobile subscribers switch to Golan Telecom

About 30,000 have joined since the end of the third quarter.

20 November 12 11:45, Gad Perez

Third quarter recruitment figures of Golan Telecom Ltd.state that the carrier had 84,000 subscribers at the end of September. As of yesterday, the carrier had 102,000 subscribers altogether including 30,000 new customers.

Data obtained by “Globes” indicate that Golan Telecom recruited 48,000 customers who took their phone numbers with them from other carriers during the third quarter, and that 6,200 customers abandoned it. At the end of September, the carrier had 83,000 mobile customers.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – www.globes-online.com – on November 20, 2012

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