Hot Mobile launches NIS 49 monthly package
Hot Mobile launches NIS 49 monthly package

globes 5-12-2012

Hot Mobile launches NIS 49 monthly package

Hot Mobile has matched Golan Telecom’s low-cost all-inclusive monthly plan.

5 December 12 10:23, Gad Perez
Hot Mobile Ltd.has launched a NIS 49 per month unlimited all-inclusive mobile phone plan. The plan includes overseas calls with a NIS 49 charge for six months for those who join via the Internet, and for four months for those joining at sales centers. After that period subscribers will pay NIS 99 per month.

The plan is available to private customers who switch from other mobile carriers and includes unlimited calls, text and media messages, mobile surfing and calls to 31 countries worldwide.

Hot Mobile’s plan is similar to that launched by Golan Telecom Ltd. last month and is Hot Mobile’s aggressive marketing response to it. Hot Mobile aims to improve its waning recruitment of new subscribers while competing with the lowered bar following Golan Telecom’s new all-inclusive package.

Golan Telecom’s NIS 49 package drew no response from Israel’s three veteran mobile carriers who preferred to hold back and carry on selling their regular packages. They were assuming that the damage wreaked by Golan Telecom will not be too severe and the new number of subscribers attracted by the low prices will be small.

The question now is whether Hot Mobile’s new package will draw a response from the veteran players. Hot Mobile has previously proven that its offers have succeeded in attracting large numbers of new subscribers and it is looking increasingly likely that the sector’s new companies are again generating a game changing situation in the mobile carrier market.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on December 5, 2012

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