Google Israel: Golan Telecom most searched for in 2012
Google Israel: Golan Telecom most searched for in 2012

globes 5-12-2012

Google Israel: Golan Telecom most searched for in 2012

The most popular news item searched for over the past year was Operation Pillar of Cloud.

5 December 12 12:38, Roy Goldenberg


Google Israel has published Zeitgeist, its 2012 report on what Israelis have searched for most on the Internet over the past year. The most asked question was “How do you make money?” in the “How do” question category. In second place was “How do you receive a medical exemption?” a question which was no doubt especially popular among IDF soldiers.Romance also grabs a major part of surfers’ questions with “How do you make a baby?,” in third place with the question “How do you find a wife?” following hard on its heels. In sixth place was “How do you French kiss?” and in seventh place was “How do you get divorced properly?”

Sandwiched in between in fifth place on a somewhat different note as the smartphone craze sweeps Israel and the world was “How do you build an app?”

In eighth place was “How do you suntan properly?” followed by “How do you stop smoking?” in ninth place, and “How do you become popular,” rounding out the top ten.

In terms of specific searches, Golan Telecom was the most popular entry searched for in 2012 followed by musician Raviv Ben Menachem’s Revivo Project and the word “strike.” In fourth place was the application Instigram and in fifth place was Whitney Houston, who died this year.

In sixth place was Israeli celebrity Tzvika Hadar who was rushed to hospital recently after a heart attack, and in seventh place was the Tal Law for the military induction of the Ultra-Orthodox. In tenth place was Color Red, the alert for a missile attack.

In the news section Pillar of Cloud was the most popular term searched, and other popular searches were Moshe Silman who committed suicide by setting fire to himself during the summer’s social protest. The London Olympics was in fourth place and in fifth place was the Sandy hurricane which struck the US East Coast, Cuba and the West Indies in October. The terrorist attack in Burgas, Bulgaria was in sixth place. Other popular news search were for the US elections and the launch of the iPhone 5.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on December 5, 2012

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2012



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