Strike at Pelephone Monday
Strike at Pelephone Monday

Israel National News 10-12-2012

Strike at Pelephone Monday

Communications with subscribers of the Pelephone cellular telephone service may be disrupted as of 10:00 a.m. Monday, when engineering, information systems and administrative workers at the company’s Giv’atayim headquarters go on strike. The workers are protesting management’s refusal to recognize their organizing efforts, although more than a third of the employees have joined the Histadrut Labor Federation. They said that sanctions planned for Monday were a first step and that they would take more serious steps with each passing day, as needed.

The Histadrut and the company’s workers’ committee expressed outrage, Sunday, at a letter sent by management to the employees which tried to create what they called the false impression that the strike was not legal. In countering the claim, the Histadrut said management was trying to frighten the workers as it has been doing for months since the start of the organizing effort.


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