YouPhone offers NIS 39 unlimited mobile plan
YouPhone offers NIS 39 unlimited mobile plan

globes 23-12-2012

YouPhone offers NIS 39 unlimited mobile plan

The latest move in the mobile telephony price war applies to new customers, for two-four months.

23 December 12 11:24, Yossi Nissan
The aggressive price war in the mobile market is continuing. Just one month after YouPhoneoffered a NIS 49 monthly plan, the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) has cut prices even more, with today’s launch of a NIS 39 plan.YouPhone is a subsidiary of Dor Alon Energy in Israel (1988) Ltd. (TASE:DRAL).The new plan offers customers of all carriers who switch to it and new subscribers unlimited calls and SMS, and one gigabyte of Internet access, for NIS 39 per month for four months for people who join via the carrier’s website, and for two months for people who join at points of sale or via the call center. The plan’s price will afterwards rise to NIS 79 per month, the price of YouPhone’s previous offer.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on December 23, 2012

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