Golan Telecom claims 200,000 subscribers
Golan Telecom claims 200,000 subscribers

Globes 15-1-2013

Golan Telecom claims 200,000 subscribers

CEO Michael Golan: The price of NIS 49 a month is temporary. At NIS 99 a month, a profit is possible.

15 January 13 15:28, Ilanit Hayut


“We have reached over 200,000 subscribers,” declared Golan Telecom Ltd.CEO Michael Golan at the Israel Marketing Association conference in Tel Aviv today. “We have to worry that the next communications minister won’t be a puppet of the tycoons, otherwise everything that [Minister of Communications Moshe] Kahlon has achieved will be thrown into the garbage. This is a real danger. Until now, the price of the veteran mobile carries has not been clear.”

In December, Golan Telecom launched a NIS 49 monthly unlimited calls plan for six months. Other carriers followed suit. Golan said today, “I am pleased to see the veteran carriers doing ‘copy-paste’ on the things we’re doing. As of now, we have more than 200,000 subscribers, and no one in Israeli history recruited 200,000 customers in seven months.”

Asked whether Golan Telecom can make a profit at these prices, Golan said, “The price of NIS 49 a month is temporary. At NIS 99 a month, a profit is possible.”

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – www.globes-online.com – on January 15, 2013

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