Hot Mobile offers NIS 9.90 unlimited monthly plan
Hot Mobile offers NIS 9.90 unlimited monthly plan

Hot Mobile offers NIS 9.90 unlimited monthly plan

After four months, the cost of the plan will jump ten-fold to NIS 99 a month.

20 January 13 13:52, Gad Perez


Hot Telecommunication Systems Ltd. unit Hot Mobile launched a NIS 9.90 unlimited calls and Internet monthly plan for four months. After four months, the cost of the plan will jump ten-fold to NIS 99 a month.

The plan is limited to people registering on Hot Mobile website. People who sign up at the carrier’s points of sale will pay NIS 29.90 a month during the four-month offer. The plan is restricted to one Internet service provider and five mobile phone lines.

“A customer who joins this plan will enjoy the fastest access speeds in Israel, at 100 Mbps from the home, and the fastest mobile access speeds of all mobile carriers in the country. We intend to lead the competition in the mobile market and offer the best paying value benefits for the public,” said Hot Mobile CEO Yaakov Nadvorani.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on January 20, 2013



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