Motorola, Nokia win Israel Railways cellular network tender
Motorola, Nokia win Israel Railways cellular network tender

The companies’ wireless communications network will cover all railway traffic in Israel


Nokia and Motorola have won a NIS 350 million 20-year Israel Railways project for a special GSMR cellular network. The project, designed to enhance railway safety throughout Israel, was first proposed many years ago. The two companies will maintain and operate the network


The Ministry of Communications has allocated special frequencies around 900 megahertz for exclusive use by Israel Railways’ network. The cellular network will enable Israel Railways to more actively supervise railway traffic, and to obtain complete information about what trains are doing in order to improve safety and manage traffic throughout Israel, including the supply of communications hardware to Israel Railways employees, etc

Most countries allocated special frequencies for rail traffic many years ago. Israel Railways has campaigned hard with the Ministry of Communications to obtain frequencies in the range it wanted for the project. The Ministry of Communications eventually gave in, and the project is only now getting off the ground


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