Pelephone breakdown cut calls, SMS for 4 hours
Pelephone breakdown cut calls, SMS for 4 hours

Pelephone breakdown cut calls, SMS for 4 hours

CEO: This was a breakdown, not a cyber attack. We’ll consider compensation for subscribers.

4 February 13 09:30, Globes’ correspondent
“It’s possible to completely rule out a cyber attack. There seems to have been a breakdown in a network component. The source is unknown, but we’ve located the component that broke down, neutralized it, and taken it offline,” Pelephone Communications Ltd.CEO Gil Sharon told “Channel 2″ this morning in response to last night’s breakdown at the carrier. The network resumed regular operations at 10:45 pm.Asked if Pelephone would compensate customers, Sharon said, “At 7:15 am today, we will first examine the breakdown and its cause, and then we’ll consider compensation.

In a statement last night, Pelephone said, “At 11 pm, the breakdown on Pelephone’s network was over. The cause of the four-hour breakdown was at a company control center at 7:05 pm. From this time until 10:40 pm, most call and SMS traffic did not operate.”

Pelephone added, “The data network allowed Internet access and talk applications, such as WhatsApp, worked normally. All the company’s top engineers and the manufacturer’s engineers worked together to locate the breakdown. After carrying out several measures, the network quickly began to recover. The investigation into the breakdown will continue for several days, and we will draw the necessary lessons.”

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on February 4, 2013

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