Pelephone to compensate subscribers for breakdown
Pelephone to compensate subscribers for breakdown

Pelephone to compensate subscribers for breakdown

Subscribers can opt for 60 minutes free calls in Israel, 60 minutes overseas calls, or 500 megabytes of Internet access.

4 February 13 15:32, Gad Perez

“We have decided voluntarily to compensate our customers who were affected. Customers can choose one of three options: 60 minutes free calls in Israel, 60 minutes overseas calls, or 500 megabytes of Internet access,” Pelephone Communications Ltd.CEO Gil Sharon announced at a press conference today, following yesterday’s four-hour breakdown in service.

Sharon said, “The handling of the breakdown made possible a quick solution in a reasonable time. In the end, we neutralized part of the network, and the whole network was able to recover quickly. The cause of the breakdown has not yet been found, only its area, which has been neutralized.”

In a separate development, a NIS 450 million lawsuit has already been filed against Pelephone, with a request for the court to recognize it has a class action suit.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on February 4, 2013


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