Bezeq begins laying fiber optic network
Bezeq begins laying fiber optic network

Bezeq begins laying fiber optic network

Bezeq has begun work on its fiber optic network in Ness Ziona, Ramat Hasharon, and Modi’in.

6 February 13 18:25, Gad Perez
Sources inform ”Globes” that the first three cities where Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Co. Ltd. (TASE: BEZQ) will deploy its fiber to the home network are Ness Ziona, Ramat Hasharon, and Modi’in. The company has begun work and expects to fully wire the cities within a few months.For Bezeq, the chosen cities represent a good mix of customers and buildings: the ratio between houses, buildings, and public buildings are representative of Israeli cities.

Although Bezeq yesterday announced that it was accelerating the replacement of its copper wire network to the home with fiber optics, and that the civil engineering work has begun, it will not provide fiber optic telecommunications services until it decides which technology to use. No decision is expected anytime soon, so no fiber optic service can be offered, even though the wires will be in place.

There are several technologies available for fiber optic transmission, and Bezeq does not want to make a decision now. It is therefore laying the cables, but will postpone installation of the smart boxes at its centers and customers to a later date.

Bezeq’s laying of fiber optics to the home is intended to meet customers’ growing demand for high-speed Internet. Copper wire networks have much less capacity than fiber optics, and Bezeq plans to replace its copper wire network within 7-8 years, to provide most customers with unlimited high-speed Internet,

Bezeq has stepped up the deployment of its fiber optic network in the face of pending threats from Hot Telecommunication Systems Ltd. (TASE: HOT.B1), which is already upgrading its network, and Israel Electric Corporation’s (IEC) (TASE: ELEC.B22) fiber optic venture.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on February 6, 2013

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