Xfone to operate with 051 mobile code
Xfone to operate with 051 mobile code

The new competitor in the mobile telephony market will operate a website for recruiting subscribers on the Golan Telecom model



The code for Xfone, the new mobile telephony market competitor, will be 051. The company is expected to launch its services commercially in late February-early March, after completing its connection to all the operators in recent weeks. The company has several hundred customers hooked up in an internal trial it is conducting among its employees and their families

Xfone, controlled by businessperson Hezi Bezalel, will launch its services soon as a mobile operator with a 051 code. This code formerly belonged to Pelephone Communications Ltd. at a time when each company had its own code and telephone numbers had six digits. It appears that 051 is among the Ministry of Communications’ last available codes


Xfone will operate a website, through which it will conduct most of its operations, so that its customers can be connected and get services through it. The company will also

operate call centers offering its packages to customers

It is not yet clear what prices the company will offer. There are many predictions and rumors in the mobile telephony market. What is certain is that Xfone will have to offer a very attractive package in order to recruit customers in a market in which mobile telephony packages are being offered for NIS 25-30 a month


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