Golan Telecom extends free offer
Golan Telecom extends free offer

Golan Telecom extends free offer

The price will rise to the regular NIS 99 per month, after the free period.

10 April 13 12:21, Gad Perez
Someone apparently forgot to tell new mobile carrier Golan Telecom Ltd.that competition in the market was easing up. The carrier today announced a new marketing campaign, offering two months for free to new subscribers. The price will rise to the regular NIS 99 per month, after the free period.The offer’s conditions are to sign up on the carrier’s website by 8 pm on April 30 and activate a SIM card by 8 pm on May 5. For example, a new subscriber who activates his or her SIM card by April 24 will only start paying on June 25.

Golan Telecom is continuing its aggressive marketing campaigns. The latest campaign is running together with its “friend brings a friend” campaign.

Golan Telecom has also increased the number of points of sale at the Bug and Best Mobile retailers, where SIM cards can be purchased on the spot, to 55 nationwide. Beginning yesterday, the carrier has been offering a second SIM card for use in cars at no monthly fee. It also added new international calls destinations, including Ukraine and Uruguary, as part of its unlimited plans.

IBI Investment House analyst Uri Licht said in response, “This is not good news for the mobile carriers. This is one of the most aggressive marketing campaigns we can remember in recent years. The two campaigns are running simultaneously, so that a person who brings a friend to the new campaign of zero payments for the first two months will also receive NIS 200 from the earlier friend brings a friend campaign.

“The timing of the campaign is also very interesting, because it competes against the campaign of Hot Mobile Ltd., which was due to end in a few days, when it brings rates back up to NIS 89-99 per month. It is hard to see this happening now. Hot Mobile cannot end its campaign and revert to sane price levels.”

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – www.globes-online.com – on April 10, 2013

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