Hot Mobile offers new NIS 69 monthly plan, including smartphone
Hot Mobile offers new NIS 69 monthly plan, including smartphone

Hot Mobile offers new NIS 69 monthly plan, including smartphone


The carrier is offering a line with unlimited calls, international calls to range of countries, ISP through sister company, and a Samsung smartphone.


5 May 13 14:18, Gad Perez


Hot Mobile Ltd.has launched a new mobile and Internet service provider (ISP) plan, together with a smartphone, starting from NIS 69 per month for six months. The plan targets the carrier’s current customers.The carrier is offering a line with unlimited calls, international calls to a range of countries, ISP through sister company, with up to 100-Mbps access speed, and a Samsung smartphone. The price of the plan is NIS 49 per month, plus the cost of the smartphone chosen.

The plan’s price will rise to NIS 119 per month, or more, on the basis of NIS 99 per month for the plan, plus the cost of the smartphone.

Hot Mobile said that subscribers can sign up for the new plan at the carrier’s website, or service centers and points of sale nationwide. Subscribers who sign up at the service centers and points of sale will receive the NIS 69 price for four months.

Hot Mobile is offering a range of Samsung smartphones via this plan, but not the Galaxy S4. The phones come with a two-year warranty.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on May 5, 2013

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2013



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