Bezeq’s B-Cloud Free Information Storage: 60k Custome
Bezeq’s B-Cloud Free Information Storage: 60k Custome

Bezeq’s B-Cloud Free Information Storage: 60k Custome


The Bezeq communications company announced, Tuesday, that about 60,000 customers are using its B Cloud free internet storage service. It says tens of thousands of files, including pictures, videos and songs are being added every day, with pictures comprising two-thirds of the files. The company said that there would be no limit on the service for the time being.

To mark the occasion, Bezeq has released an infographic showing changes in media and their consumption over the past 130 years. For example, 500 million vinyl records and cassette tapes were sold in the world 40 years ago. In 2001, 2.25 billion compact discs were sold and, last year, 4.3 billion songs were downloaded. In 1964, the average tape reel for domestic use could store 60 minutes of audio. In 1983, 80 minutes could be burned onto a CD and today a 16-Gigabyte disk on key can store 16,000 minutes.


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