Rami Levy plans telecom joint venture
Rami Levy plans telecom joint venture

Rami Levy plans telecom joint venture

Rami Levy will offer Internet services and international calls as well as MVNO services in partnership with 015, TripleCloud and Paycall.


20 June 13 13:31, Gad Perez


Rami Levy Chain Stores Hashikma Marketing 2006 Ltd. (TASE:RMLI) is to set up a new joint venture with TripleCloud, Hallo015, and Paycall. This will enable Rami Levy to offer a telecommunications package including mobile calls through Rami Levy Communications Ltd., Internet services via TripleCloud and international calls via Hallo015. Rami Levy will be in charge of marketing the venture.The new venture, which will be led by Rami Levy, will provide competition for the sector’s major players and the new consortium will offer an overall package of services to customers. The aim is to offer a very low price package that will create alternative to those already on the market.The venture is still in early stage talks and no agreements have yet been reached.Rami Levy will use the new venture as a way of breathing new life into his MVNO operations which are not taking off and are currently falling off.Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – www.globes-online.com – on June 20, 2013

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